ADM02 | Adminstrative law - Cases and Materials | Administration | G Quinot | | | 2020 | |
ADM03 | Adminstrative law in South Africa | Administration | Cora Hoexter | | | | |
ADM04 | Adminstrative law in South Africa | Administration | Cora Hoexter | 2 | | 2021 | |
ADR104 | The fundamental principles of effective trial advocacy
| Willem H Gravett
| | | 2021 | |
AMDM05 | Adminstrative law in South Africa | Administration | Cora Hoexter | 3 | | 2021 | 3 Copies |
AML05 | Amler's Precedents of pleadings | Litigation | LTC Harms | 4 | | | |
AQL103 | Aquilian Liability in the South African Law of Delict
| Delict
| Anton Fagan
| | | 2020 | |
BIL06 | Bill of Rights Handbook | Bill of Rights | Ian Currie; Johan De Waal | 6 | | 2021 | |
| Bill of Rights Handbook
| Bill of Rights
| Ian Currie; Johan De Waal
| 6 | | 2022 | |
BUI68 | Mckenzie's Law of Building and Engineering contracts and Arbitration | Contract and Arbitrtion | P A Ramsden | 7 | | 2020 | |
C0M09 | Competition Law | Competition | | | | 2019 | |
CAS93 | Cases and Materials on Criminal Law | Criminal | Jonathan Burchell | 3 | | 2007 | |
| Contemporary Company Law
| Company
| | 3 | | 2021 | |
CIV07 | Civil Procedure - A practical guide | Litigation | S Pete; D Hulme; M Du Plessis; R Palmer; O Sibanda & T Palmer | 3 | | | |
CIV19 | Herbestein and Van Winsen Civil Practice of the High Courts | Litigation | Cilliers; Loots; Nel | 5 | 1 | 2020 | |
CIV20 | Herbestein and Van Winsen Civil Practice of the High Courts | Litigation | Cilliers; Loots; Nel | 5 | 2 | 2020 | |
CLA08 | Class Action Litigation in South Africa | Litigation | | | | 2017 | |
COM01 | A practical guide to the South African Competition Act | Competition | Minette Neuhoff; Marylla Govender; Martin Versfeld; Daryl Dingley | 2 | | | |
CON10 | Constitutional Comparison [Japan,Germany,Canada & South Africa as Constitutional States] | Constitutional | Venter | | | 2018 | |
CON11 | Constitutional Litigation | Constitutional | M Du Plessis; G Panfold; J Brickhill | | | 2013 | |
CON12 | Contemporary Company Law | Company | | 2 | | 2018 | |
CON43 | Law of contract in South Africa | Contract | RH Christie | 3 | | | |
CON97 | Ellison Kahn Contract and Merchantile Law | Contract | Ellison Kahn; Carole Lewis; Coenraad Visser | 2 | 1 | | |
CRI13 | Criminal law | Criminal | C R Snyman | 4 | | | 3 COPIES |
CRI14 | Criminal Procedure Handbook | Criminal | Joubert | 13 | | 2020 | |
CRI24 | Index of South African Criminal Cases | Criminal | LexisNexis | | 1 | 1910-2018 | |
CRI80 | South African criminal law and procedure | Criminal | J M Burchell | 3 | 1 | | |
CRI81 | South African criminal law and procedure | Criminal | J R L Milton | 3 | 2 | | |
CRI82 | South African criminal law and procedure | Criminal | J R L Milton & M G Cowling | 2 | 3 | | |
CRI88 | Theoretical Criminology | Criminal | George Vold; Thomas Bernard; Jeffrey Snipes | 4 | | | |
CRI95 | Principles of Criminal Law | Criminal | Jonathan Burchell | 3 | | 2005 | |
CRI96 | Criminal law in South Africa | Criminal | Gerhard Kemp; Shelly Walker… | | | 2012 | |
| Hiemstra's Criminal Procedure
| Procedure
| A Kruger
| | | 2022 | |
CUS15 | Customary Law in South Africa | Customary | TW Bennett | | | 2017 | |
CUS77 | Reform of Customary Marriage, Divorce, and Succession in South Africa | Customary | Chuma Himonga; Elena Moore | | | | |
DAM44 | Law of Damages through the Cases | Damages | PJ Visser; JM Potgieter | 3 | | 2020 | |
DEL92 | Law of Delict | Aquilian Liability | Boberg | | 1 | 1984 | |
| Dugard's International law: A South African Perspective
| International law
| John Dugard, Max Du Plessis, Tiyanjana Maluwa, Dire Tladi
| 5 | | 2022 | |
DIS16 | Dismissal | Employment | John Grogan | 3 | | | |
DRA65 | Legal Drafting - Civil Proceedings | Drafting | Peter Van Blerk | 2 | | 2021 | |
ENV89 | Environmental Law | Environmental | Michael Kidd | 2 | | 2011 | |
FAM91 | South African Family Law | Delict, Deposit to Drug Trafficking | DSP Cronje; J Heaton | | | 1999 | |
FUN17 | Fundamental Principles of Effective Trial Advocacy | Trial Advocacy | W Gravett | | | 2019 | |
HAR18 | Harassment in the workplace | Employment | Rochelle le Roux; Alan Rycroft; Thandi Orleyn; Sufinnah Singlee | | | | |
HIV21 | HIV and the law in South Africa - A practitioner's guide | HIV/AIDS | Amelia Vuyeka Motsepe | | | | |
| Immigration law in South Africa
| Immigration
| | | | 2018 | |
INS22 | Hockly's Insolvency Law | Insolvency | R Sharrock, K Van Der Linde, A Smith | 9 | | 2020 | |
| Mars: Law of Insolvency in South Africa
| Insolvency
| | 10 | | | |
INT90 | Cases and Materials on International Law | Family | Sweet and Maxwell | 3 | | | |
| Pollack: SA Law of jurisdiction
| | Van Loggerenberg
| 3 | | 2022 | |
JUT26 | Juta's Statutes of South Africa | Index | | | 1 | 2017/2018 | |
JUT27 | Juta's Statutes of South Africa | Commercial Law; Trade and Industry | | | 2 | 2017/2018 | |
JUT28 | Juta's Statutes of South Africa | Education; Estates and Succession; Pensions and welfare; Persons and the family; Professions | | | 7 | 2017/2018 | |
JUT29 | Juta's Statutes of South Africa | Revenue | | | 3 | 2017/2018 | |
JUT30 | Juta's Statutes of South Africa | Labour; Transport | | | 4 | 2017/2018 | |
JUT31 | Juta's Statutes of South Africa | Agriculture, Fischeries, Forests and water; Electricity, energy and mining; Environmental law; property | | | 6 | 2017/2018 | |
JUT32 | Juta's Statutes of South Africa | Constitutional law; Health | | | 5 | 2017/2018 | |
JUT33 | Juta's Statutes of South Africa | Index | | | | 2017/2018 | |
JUT34 | Juta's statutes of South Africa | Constitutional law; Health | Juta's stautes editors | 26 | 5 | 2015/2016 | |
JUT35 | Juta's statutes of South Africa | Index | Juta's stautes editors | 26 | Index | 2016/2017 | |
JUT36 | Juta's statutes of South Africa | Agriculture, Fischeries, Forests and water; Electricity, energy and mining; Environmental law; property | Juta's stautes editors | 26 | 6 | 2016/2017 | |
JUT37 | Juta's statutes of South Africa | Communications; Criminal and procedural law; Security | Juta's stautes editors | 27 | 1 | 2016/2017 | |
JUT38 | Juta's Statutes of South Africa | Education; Estates and Succession; Pensions and welfare; Persons and the family; Professions | Juta's stautes editors | 9 | 7 | 2016/2017 | |
JUT39 | Juta's statutes of South Africa | Revenue | Juta's stautes editors | 27 | 3 | 2016/2017 | |
JUT40 | Juta's Statutes of South Africa | Commercial Law; Trade and Industry | Juta's stautes editors | 27 | 2 | 2016/2017 | |
JUT41 | Juta's statutes of South Arica | Labour; Transport | Juta's stautes editors | 27 | 4 | 2016/2017 | |
LAB42 | Labour relations law - A comprehensive guide | Labour | D du Toit; D Bosch; D Woolfrey; S Godfrey; J Rossouw; S Christie; C Cooper; G Giles; G Bosch | 4 | | | |
LAW45 | Law of South Africa | Building, Contracts to Conflict of laws | | First Reisssue | 2 | | |
LAW46 | Law of South Africa | Civil Procedure | | First Reisssue | 3 Part 1 | | |
LAW47 | Law of South Africa | Companies | | First Reisssue | 4 Part 1 | | |
LAW48 | Law of South Africa | Companies | | First Reisssue | 4 Part 2 | | |
LAW49 | Law of South Africa | Companies & Close Corporations | | First Reisssue | 4 Part 3 | | |
LAW50 | Law of South Africa | Companies & Close Corporations | | First Reisssue | 5 Part 1 | | |
LAW51 | Law of South Africa | Copyright to Custom and Usage | | First Reisssue | 5 Part 2 | | |
LAW52 | Law of South Africa | Criminal Law | | First Reisssue | 6 | | |
LAW53 | Law of South Africa | Cumulative Supplement | | | Part 1 | 1997 | |
LAW54 | Law of South Africa | Cumulative Supplement | | | Part 1 | 2011 | |
LAW55 | Law of South Africa | Cumulative Supplement | | | Part 2 | 2011 | 2 Copies |
LAW56 | Law of South Africa | Cumulative Supplement | | | Part 2 | 1997 | |
LAW57 | Law of South Africa | Cumulative Supplement | | | Part 2 | 2012 | |
LAW58 | Law of South Africa | Cumulative Supplement | | | Part 1 | 2012 | |
LAW59 | Law of South Africa | Damages, Deeds, Defamation to Defence | | First Reisssue | 7 | | |
LAW60 | Law of South Africa | Delict, Deposit to Drug Trafficking | | First Reisssue | 8 Part 1 | | |
LAW61 | Law of South Africa | Emotional Shock, energy, enrichment to evidence | | First Reisssue | 9 | | |
LAW62 | Law of South Africa | Fisheries, Fishing and Sealing to Historical Monuments, Wrecks and War Graves | | First Reisssue | 10 Part 2 | | |
LAW63 | Law of South Africa | Insurance | | First Reisssue | 12 | | |
LAW64 | Law of South Africa | Negotiable Instruments, Nuisance, Obligations, Partnership | | First Reisssue | 19 | | |
LAW85 | The Law of South Africa | Accountants and Auditors to Aviation and Air Transport | | First Reisssue | 1 | | |
| South African Legal Practitioner: A commentary on the Legal Practice Act | Procedure
| P Ellis, AT Lamey, L Kilbourn
| | | 2021 | |
LEW66 | Lewis and Kyrou's Handy hints on legal practice | Legal Practice | IM Hoffmann | 2 | | | |
| Chrristies's: The law of contract in South Africa
| Contract
| GB Bradfield
| 8 | | 2022 | |
LSL67 | Litigation Skills for South African Lawyers | Litigation | CG Marnewick SC | 3 | | | |
| Medical Malpractice in South Africa
| Medical
| John Saner SC
| | | 2021 | |
MED69 | Mediation practice in the Magistrates' courts | Mediation | Chris Marnwick SC | | | | |
MOR70 | Morris Techniques in litigation | Litigation | John Mullins; Carlos Da Silva | 6 | | 2021 | 2 Copies |
PRE71 | Precedents for Applications in Civil Proceedings | Procedure | Peter Van Blerk | First | | | 2 Copies |
PRE73 | Preparation for Civil Trials | Procedure | Peter Van Blerk | | | 2019 | |
PRE74 | Principles of the law of Sale & Lease | Sale and Lease | G Bradfield; K Lehmann | 3 | | 2018 | |
PRI94 | Principles of Criminal Law | Criminal | Jonathan Burchell | 3 revised | | 2006 | |
PRO75 | Professional tax handbook | Tax | LexisNexis editorial staff | 28 | 1 | 2018/2019 | |
PRO76 | Professional tax handbook | Tax | LexisNexis editorial staff | 28 | 2 | 2018/2019 | |
SCO78 | Scott on Cession | Cession | Susan Scott | | | | |
SIL79 | Silke tax yearbook | Tax | A de Koker; RC Williams; J Silke | | | 2018/2019 | |
TAX25 | Indirect tax handbook | Tax | LexisNexis editorial staff | | | 2018/2019 | |
THE83 | The guide to sentencing in South Africa | Criminal | SS Terblanche | 3 | | | |
THE84 | The Law and Practice of Interdicts | Interdicts | CB Prest | | | 2020 | |
TRA87 | Trade union and the law in South Africa | Trade unions | T Cohen; A Rycroft; B Whitcher | | | | |
TRU23 | Honores South African Law of Trusts | Trusts | Cameron; De Waal; Solomon | 6 | | | |
UNJ86 | The South African Law of Unjustified Enrichment | Unjustified Enrichment | Jacques Du Plessis | | | 2020 | |