To borrow a book from the library, please take note of the reference (far left column) of the book you want to borrow and then click here to fill in your details to borrow / check the availability of the corresponding book. All books are to be borrowed on an average of 4 days. Should you wish to keep the book longer, kindly make arrangements with the school reception.

ADM02Adminstrative law - Cases and MaterialsAdministrationG Quinot2020
ADM03Adminstrative law in South AfricaAdministrationCora Hoexter
ADM04Adminstrative law in South AfricaAdministrationCora Hoexter22021
ADR104The fundamental principles of effective trial advocacy
Willem H Gravett
AMDM05Adminstrative law in South AfricaAdministrationCora Hoexter320213 Copies
AML05Amler's Precedents of pleadingsLitigationLTC Harms4
AQL103Aquilian Liability in the South African Law of Delict
Anton Fagan
BIL06Bill of Rights HandbookBill of RightsIan Currie; Johan De Waal62021
Bill of Rights Handbook
Bill of Rights
Ian Currie; Johan De Waal
BUI68Mckenzie's Law of Building and Engineering contracts and ArbitrationContract and ArbitrtionP A Ramsden72020
C0M09Competition LawCompetition2019
CAS93Cases and Materials on Criminal LawCriminalJonathan Burchell32007
Contemporary Company Law
CIV07Civil Procedure - A practical guideLitigationS Pete; D Hulme; M Du Plessis; R Palmer; O Sibanda & T Palmer3
CIV19Herbestein and Van Winsen Civil Practice of the High CourtsLitigationCilliers; Loots; Nel512020
CIV20Herbestein and Van Winsen Civil Practice of the High CourtsLitigationCilliers; Loots; Nel522020
CLA08Class Action Litigation in South AfricaLitigation2017
COM01A practical guide to the South African Competition ActCompetitionMinette Neuhoff; Marylla Govender; Martin Versfeld; Daryl Dingley2
CON10Constitutional Comparison [Japan,Germany,Canada & South Africa as Constitutional States]Constitutional Venter2018
CON11Constitutional LitigationConstitutional M Du Plessis; G Panfold; J Brickhill2013
CON12Contemporary Company LawCompany 22018
CON43Law of contract in South Africa ContractRH Christie3
CON97Ellison Kahn Contract and Merchantile LawContractEllison Kahn; Carole Lewis; Coenraad Visser21
CRI13Criminal lawCriminal C R Snyman43 COPIES
CRI14Criminal Procedure HandbookCriminalJoubert132020
CRI24Index of South African Criminal Cases CriminalLexisNexis 11910-2018
CRI80South African criminal law and procedureCriminalJ M Burchell31
CRI81South African criminal law and procedureCriminalJ R L Milton32
CRI82South African criminal law and procedureCriminalJ R L Milton & M G Cowling23
CRI88Theoretical Criminology CriminalGeorge Vold; Thomas Bernard; Jeffrey Snipes4
CRI95Principles of Criminal LawCriminalJonathan Burchell32005
CRI96Criminal law in South AfricaCriminalGerhard Kemp; Shelly Walker…2012
Hiemstra's Criminal Procedure
A Kruger
CUS15Customary Law in South AfricaCustomaryTW Bennett2017
CUS77Reform of Customary Marriage, Divorce, and Succession in South AfricaCustomaryChuma Himonga; Elena Moore
DAM44Law of Damages through the CasesDamages PJ Visser; JM Potgieter32020
DEL92Law of DelictAquilian LiabilityBoberg11984
Dugard's International law: A South African Perspective
International law
John Dugard, Max Du Plessis, Tiyanjana Maluwa, Dire Tladi
DIS16DismissalEmploymentJohn Grogan3
DRA65Legal Drafting - Civil ProceedingsDraftingPeter Van Blerk22021
ENV89Environmental LawEnvironmentalMichael Kidd22011
FAM91South African Family LawDelict, Deposit to Drug TraffickingDSP Cronje; J Heaton1999
FUN17Fundamental Principles of Effective Trial AdvocacyTrial AdvocacyW Gravett2019
HAR18Harassment in the workplaceEmploymentRochelle le Roux; Alan Rycroft; Thandi Orleyn; Sufinnah Singlee
HIV21HIV and the law in South Africa - A practitioner's guideHIV/AIDSAmelia Vuyeka Motsepe
Immigration law in South Africa
INS22Hockly's Insolvency LawInsolvencyR Sharrock, K Van Der Linde, A Smith92020
Mars: Law of Insolvency in South Africa
INT90Cases and Materials on International LawFamilySweet and Maxwell3
Pollack: SA Law of jurisdiction
Van Loggerenberg
JUT26Juta's Statutes of South AfricaIndex12017/2018
JUT27Juta's Statutes of South AfricaCommercial Law; Trade and Industry22017/2018
JUT28Juta's Statutes of South AfricaEducation; Estates and Succession; Pensions and welfare; Persons and the family; Professions72017/2018
JUT29Juta's Statutes of South AfricaRevenue32017/2018
JUT30Juta's Statutes of South AfricaLabour; Transport42017/2018
JUT31Juta's Statutes of South AfricaAgriculture, Fischeries, Forests and water; Electricity, energy and mining; Environmental law; property62017/2018
JUT32Juta's Statutes of South AfricaConstitutional law; Health52017/2018
JUT33Juta's Statutes of South AfricaIndex2017/2018
JUT34Juta's statutes of South Africa Constitutional law; HealthJuta's stautes editors 2652015/2016
JUT35Juta's statutes of South Africa IndexJuta's stautes editors 26Index2016/2017
JUT36Juta's statutes of South Africa Agriculture, Fischeries, Forests and water; Electricity, energy and mining; Environmental law; propertyJuta's stautes editors 2662016/2017
JUT37Juta's statutes of South Africa Communications; Criminal and procedural law; SecurityJuta's stautes editors 2712016/2017
JUT38Juta's Statutes of South Africa Education; Estates and Succession; Pensions and welfare; Persons and the family; ProfessionsJuta's stautes editors 972016/2017
JUT39Juta's statutes of South Africa RevenueJuta's stautes editors 2732016/2017
JUT40Juta's Statutes of South Africa Commercial Law; Trade and IndustryJuta's stautes editors 2722016/2017
JUT41Juta's statutes of South Arica Labour; TransportJuta's stautes editors 2742016/2017
LAB42Labour relations law - A comprehensive guideLabour D du Toit; D Bosch; D Woolfrey; S Godfrey; J Rossouw; S Christie; C Cooper; G Giles; G Bosch4
LAW45Law of South Africa Building, Contracts to Conflict of lawsFirst Reisssue2
LAW46Law of South Africa Civil ProcedureFirst Reisssue3 Part 1
LAW47Law of South Africa CompaniesFirst Reisssue4 Part 1
LAW48Law of South Africa CompaniesFirst Reisssue4 Part 2
LAW49Law of South Africa Companies & Close CorporationsFirst Reisssue4 Part 3
LAW50Law of South Africa Companies & Close CorporationsFirst Reisssue5 Part 1
LAW51Law of South Africa Copyright to Custom and UsageFirst Reisssue5 Part 2
LAW52Law of South Africa Criminal LawFirst Reisssue6
LAW53Law of South Africa Cumulative SupplementPart 11997
LAW54Law of South Africa Cumulative SupplementPart 12011
LAW55Law of South Africa Cumulative SupplementPart 220112 Copies
LAW56Law of South Africa Cumulative SupplementPart 21997
LAW57Law of South Africa Cumulative SupplementPart 22012
LAW58Law of South Africa Cumulative SupplementPart 12012
LAW59Law of South Africa Damages, Deeds, Defamation to DefenceFirst Reisssue7
LAW60Law of South Africa Delict, Deposit to Drug TraffickingFirst Reisssue8 Part 1
LAW61Law of South Africa Emotional Shock, energy, enrichment to evidenceFirst Reisssue9
LAW62Law of South Africa Fisheries, Fishing and Sealing to Historical Monuments, Wrecks and War GravesFirst Reisssue10 Part 2
LAW63Law of South Africa InsuranceFirst Reisssue12
LAW64Law of South Africa Negotiable Instruments, Nuisance, Obligations, PartnershipFirst Reisssue19
LAW85The Law of South AfricaAccountants and Auditors to Aviation and Air TransportFirst Reisssue1
South African Legal Practitioner: A commentary on the Legal Practice ActProcedure
P Ellis, AT Lamey, L Kilbourn
LEW66Lewis and Kyrou's Handy hints on legal practiceLegal PracticeIM Hoffmann2
Chrristies's: The law of contract in South Africa
GB Bradfield
LSL67Litigation Skills for South African LawyersLitigationCG Marnewick SC3
Medical Malpractice in South Africa
John Saner SC
MED69Mediation practice in the Magistrates' courtsMediationChris Marnwick SC
MOR70Morris Techniques in litigationLitigationJohn Mullins; Carlos Da Silva620212 Copies
PRE71Precedents for Applications in Civil ProceedingsProcedurePeter Van BlerkFirst 2 Copies
PRE73Preparation for Civil TrialsProcedurePeter Van Blerk2019
PRE74Principles of the law of Sale & LeaseSale and LeaseG Bradfield; K Lehmann32018
PRI94Principles of Criminal LawCriminalJonathan Burchell3 revised2006
PRO75Professional tax handbook TaxLexisNexis editorial staff2812018/2019
PRO76Professional tax handbook TaxLexisNexis editorial staff2822018/2019
SCO78Scott on CessionCessionSusan Scott
SIL79Silke tax yearbook TaxA de Koker; RC Williams; J Silke2018/2019
TAX25Indirect tax handbook TaxLexisNexis editorial staff2018/2019
THE83The guide to sentencing in South AfricaCriminalSS Terblanche3
THE84The Law and Practice of InterdictsInterdictsCB Prest2020
TRA87Trade union and the law in South AfricaTrade unionsT Cohen; A Rycroft; B Whitcher
TRU23Honores South African Law of TrustsTrustsCameron; De Waal; Solomon6
UNJ86The South African Law of Unjustified EnrichmentUnjustified EnrichmentJacques Du Plessis2020